♨️ Hrunalaug Hot Spring: Firsthand Review & Tips

A woman sitting in natural water looking out at a green valley.
🍀 Lukiih’s Overall Rating6.4
🦄 UniquenessAverage
😊 EnjoymentModerate
💰 ValueModerate
🎒 PreparationMinimal
Learn how Lukiih’s Rating is calculated here.

Hrunalaug Hot Spring is a small, remote hot spring in Iceland surrounded by untouched nature. Here’s my honest review and firsthand tips.

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🍀 Lukiih’s Verdict

I recommend Hrunalaug Hot Spring in Iceland if you have the time or are in its vicinity near the Golden Circle.

  • Its remoteness and untouched natural landscape make it worthwhile, but it’s not a must-see, as the island country has over 40 hot springs to choose from.
  • Hrunalaug is on private property and has a moderately priced entrance fee.
  • Minimal preparation is required, as you need to know how to get there, prepare for the lack of facilities, and be a bit lucky with the timing.

Planning a trip? Here’s what to know about Iceland.

🏆 Where Does It Rank?

The Hrunalaug Hot Spring ranks as my #12 thing to do in Iceland. Here’s how it compares to other experiences on my trip:

#ExperienceLocationOverall Rating
1❄️ Jökulsárlón Glacier LagoonEast7.9
2💧 SeljalandsfossSouth7.7
3🌀 Blue LagoonReykjanes7.7
4⛰️ Landmannalaugar HikeHighlands7.5
5🔥 Stokkur GeysirGolden Circle7.3
6💧 KvernufossSouth7.0
7💧 SkógafossSouth6.7
8🧊 Glacier HikeSouth East6.6
9🐍 Fjaðrárgljúfur CanyonSouth6.6
10🏖️ Reynisfjara Black Sand BeachSouth6.5
11💎 Diamond BeachReykjanes6.5
12♨️ Hrunalaug Hot SpringWest6.4
13🐧 DyrhólaeySouth6.4
14💧 SvartifossSouth East6.3
15🌋 Kerid CraterGolden Circle6.2
16💧 GulfossGolden Circle6.2
17🥾 Glymur Waterfall HikeWest6.1
18🐴 Icelandic Horse RidingSouth6.0
19💧 GljufrabuiSouth5.9
20♨️ Secret LagoonGolden Circle5.8
Learn how Lukiih’s Rating is calculated here.

My Iceland itinerary features the above experiences.

✈️ About My Trip

For context on my review, here’s what to know about my trip:

  • I finance my trips and don’t receive sponsorship; this review reflects my honest opinions.
  • This post has updated 2024 information, but I visited Hrunalaug in 2022.
  • My Iceland trip was in August when it was very crowded and expensive.

🦄 Uniqueness: Average

The Uniqueness Score is based on how rare and memorable an experience is.

Rarity: Uncommon

Visting Hrunalaug Hot Spring is an uncommon experience – I estimate fewer than 50 comparable hot springs exist worldwide.

  • The hot spring is small and surrounded by untouched nature.
  • It’s been owned by the same local family for years, so it’s not commercialized and feels remote.

Hrunalaug was once a hidden gem, but it’s now popular with visitors. The owners added a pool in 2017 and started accepting credit cards in 2023 to meet growing demand.

  • Other remote geothermal pools surrounded by nature exist around the world, including Umpqua Hot Springs and Goldbug Hot Springs in the US, Laugavallalaug Hot Spring in Iceland, and Termas de Puritama in Chile.

Memorability: Moderate

Taking a dip in Hrunalaug Hot Spring is one of my many memorable experiences in Iceland.

  • The stunning natural landscape and intimate size differentiate it from other hot springs in Iceland’s southern region.
  • Locals have told me it’s a breathtaking place to look at the stars at night.
  • My friends, who’ve traveled the entire Ring Road and have seen several secluded hot springs in Iceland, say that Hrunalaug is not as awe-inspiring or remote as others.

😊 Enjoyment: Moderate

The Enjoyment Score is based on how much happiness and reward an experience provides.

Happiness: Moderate

I found visiting Hrunalaug Hot Spring delightful, with some caveats.

  • Since it’s not heavily commercialized, it has an authentic “getaway” atmosphere that makes the experience extra special.
  • When there are fewer crowds, the environment is magical and serene.

The best time to avoid the crowds is during the mornings around opening times before all the visitors arrive after ending their Golden Circle trip. You can also try your luck and visit it at night after sunset.

  • The hot spring can comfortably fit less than 15 people, so it’s easily overcrowded.
  • There are no facilities in the immediate area, which can be unpleasant in frigid weather or if you’re traveling by campervan and need showers.
  • It understandably has a lot of natural debris (e.g., dirt, rocks), which may not be what you want.

Hrunalaug’s water averages around 100 °F, so it’s not ideal for frigid days.

Two hot springs in a green valley and open sky.
Hrunalaug’s pools

Reward: Low

Like many hot springs, Hrunalaug is not a particularly rewarding experience.

  • Due to its remote location, it takes a bit more effort to get to Hrunalaug than places like Blue Lagoon or Secret Lagoon. Getting there and successfully visiting it can feel rewarding when there are no crowds.
  • You don’t typically feel accomplished or enlightened when visiting a hot spring, and Hrunalug is no exception.

💰 Value: Moderate

The Value Score is determined by the price divided by the duration of an experience. All prices mentioned here are in USD.

Price: $18 PP

Hrunalaug Hot Spring charges an adult entrance fee of $18. I last checked prices in May 2024; see the current price on the official website.

Hrunalaug has a 90-minute maximum. At about $13 per hour, I consider this experience moderately priced.

See my Iceland trip expenses.

A woman sitting in natural water looking out at a green valley.
Hrunalaug Hot Spring

🎒 Preparation: Minimal

The Preparation Score is based on the required skills & fitness, transportation, and bookings & packing. The higher the score, the less preparation is needed.

Skills & Fitness: None

You don’t need any skills or fitness to visit Hrunalaug Hot Spring.

  • The pools are not deep enough to allow swimming.
  • The pools are not large, so you’ll mostly be relaxing.

Transportation: Easy & Short

Hrunalaug Hot Spring is located in the famous Golden Circle, so it’s easy to get to.

  • No buses go to it, so you’ll have to rent a vehicle and drive there.
  • It’s a 40-minute drive from the nearest tourist town, Selfoss. This is considered a short length for Iceland.

Booking & Packing: Minimal

To visit Hrunalaug, you’ll need minimal booking and packing:

  • Pay the entrance fee at the door.
  • It doesn’t currently require advanced reservations, but the owners are working on a booking system.
  • Bring your own towel and swimsuit, as you won’t be able to rent one at the location.

How To Guide & Tips

Interested in visiting Hrunalaug Hot Spring after reading my review? Below is a practical how-to guide and firsthand tips.

How To Get There

Hrunalaug Hot Spring is in the Golden Circle, located in the small town of Flúðir. Visitors can reach it by driving 30 minutes off the Ring Road (aka Route 1).

It’s inside a small valley on private property, so it can be a bit tricky to find. Here’s how to get to it:

  • Step 1 – Drive to the parking area located here. The roads you turn into from the 344 are not paved and are surrounded by empty land.
  • Step 2 – The small parking lot can accommodate approximately 10 cars and campervans. After paying the entrance fee, walk down the only path.
A man walking on a trail surrounded by green valley.
Short trail to Hrunalaug Hot Spring

Hrunalaug Hot Spring can be easily overcrowded. If more than eight cars are in the parking lot, it is not worth visiting, as it will be hard to find enough space to get inside the hot pool.

  • Step 3 – The hot spring is a short distance (about a two-minute walk) from the parking lot’s entrance. You’ll cross a small bridge and see a sign about the hot spring on your left. Once you see a small hut, you’ve arrived.

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What Are Facilities Like

Hrunalaug has limited facilities since it’s not fully commercialized.

  • Bathrooms – There is a bathroom with toilets near the parking lot. However, you need to walk for about two minutes on an exposed trail to reach the pools.
  • Open shelter – The area has a small, open hut with a roof. People sometimes use it to put their clothes inside, but it’s open on one side, so don’t expect privacy or warmth.
  • Snacks – The owners sometimes sell simple snacks near the parking lot.

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Iceland Trip Planner 2024

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